Healthcare Power

Healthcare Power Infrastructure Products.
Ashdale has a wealth of experience in Healthcare Power Infrastructure projects including many of Northern Ireland’s hospital trust sites, Royal Victoria Hospital, Antrim Area Hospital, Ulster Hospital, Down Hospital and Kingsbridge Private Hospital. Here we look at the key products to protect patients and staff from electric shock and power outages.
Isolated Power Supplies (IPS)

IPS Systems
For both patients and staff within hospital and other medical facilities, high levels of electrical supply continuity and safety must be achieved. In general, electrical safety can be compromised by either unplanned interruptions to supply (required for patients) or electric shock hazards (to patients and staff).
It is recommended by several international and UK standards that isolated power systems are to be used for circuits supplying medical electrical life-support equipment or in areas where intra-cardiac procedures are performed. These areas are classified as either “Group 2” or “Clinical Category 4 or 5” locations.
An IT Power Supply System (Isolated Power Supply) is recommended over the standard TN Earthed Supply systems (normal supply system for most industrial, commercial and domestic applications) as it has several advantages, including the detection (via an alarm) of the insulation level of medical equipment dropping below pre-set parameters.
The installation of an Isolated Power System, along with effective equipotential earthing, provides enhanced electrical safety by eliminating the possibility of tripped MCBs caused by a single earth fault and therefore ensures that the grid, UPS and generator are able to provide continuous power to the critical medical sockets. By isolating the final circuits from earth, only negligible current is allowed to flow, even under first-fault conditions.
From our Belfast offices in Northern Ireland, Ashdale is proud to sell and support Starkstrom IPS systems and be their premier partner in NI for Isolated Power Supply solutions.
Uninterruptible Power Supply

Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Systems
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Systems are a critical part of a hospital’s power supply infrastructure. When coupled with Isolated Power Supply (IPS) Systems and back-up generators, they provide the operating room and other critical care areas with continuity of power in the event of a supply failure. IEC 60364-7-710 and HTM06-01 states that in the event of loss of power, all the medical locations where isolated power is installed (that is, “Group 2” and “Clinical Category 5” locations) require power to be resumed (for life supporting equipment) within a maximum of 0.5 seconds. It further states that “Certain microprocessor controlled equipment may require a no-break power supply”
From our Belfast offices in Northern Ireland, Ashdale is proud to sell and support Riello UPS systems and be their premier partner in NI for Uninterruptible Power Supply solutions.
Earthing & Sockets

Earthing and Sockets
The correct and safe earthing of medical locations to the latest standards is required to prevent electric shock hazards. Electric shocks generally fall within two main categories: macro-shocks and micro-shocks, both of which can be harmful and fatal.

What are the benefits of an external maintenance bypass switch?
Capability for total isolation for UPS maintenance, with no disturbance to the load.
Greatly reduced cost and size when compared to other systems using ‘Key interlocking.’
Totally safe and user friendly, simple switching sequence, no risk of back-feeding UPS.
Use of electrical interlocking ensures ‘no-break’ transfer without complex & expensive key interlock arrangement.
No need for additional Maintenance switches or key exchange boxes (cost savings)
Standard system using top quality switchgear, which is readily available (prompt delivery)
Can easily be customised to incorporate larger terminals for oversized cables.
Can be built to include full MCB/MCCB protection or just isolation depending on site requirements.
Unit can also incorporate shunt trip facilities for ‘emergency power off’ (EPO) on input and by-pass switches.
Can be installed outside normal hours, by a competent electrician, to enable UPS to be installed during normal hours without a further shutdown.
Capability for ‘ two input’ systems giving greater flexibility and security for the critical load.
Local MCB/MCCB allow downsizing of cables locally without extra protection devices.
Remote Connections

Alarm Contacts / EPO board
For connection to remote alarm panels and BMS systems the MultiCOM 384 provides a set of relay contacts to provide UPS alarm and status indication.
The contacts are connected through terminal connections. Signal contacts include Emergency Power Off (EPO), Remote Shut Down (RSD), On Battery, On Bypass, Alarm and Battery low warnings with potential free contacts on normally close or normally open contacts.